The UK needs more migrant workers to fill a growing list of jobs

The UK needs more migrant workers to fill a growing list of jobs

While Brexit is currently something that is ongoing, there is still a shortage of skilled workers across the UK. A recent report publishing the updated Shortage Occupation List, or SOL, shows there are now 9% of all jobs in the UK that require skilled migrant workers to fill them. That’s up from just 1% in 2013, when the previous list was reported.

In the updated SOL, three new jobs now require workers from outside the UK and possibly even Europe, to fill them. In addition, other roles that were previously on the list have been expanded as even more skilled migrant workers are needed across the UK.

Vets, Web Designers and Architects in short supply

The 2019 SOL, as updated by the Migratory Advisory Committee, (MAC) added three new jobs to tits list:

  • Science and technology technicians.
  • Web Designers.
  • Architects.

In addition, the MAC also recommends medical practitioners, nurses, programmers and software developers are also added to the new SOL. That’s because, while there’s not a big shortage right now, it remains difficult to fill these roles when they come up.

“Today’s labour market is very different to the one we reviewed when the last SOL was published in 2013. Unemployment is lower and employers in various industries are facing difficulties in finding skilled people to fill their vacancies,” said the MAC Chair, Professor Alan Manning. “That is why we have recommended expanding the SOL to cover a range of occupations in health, information and engineering fields.”

Other areas were the report has identified potential future shortages are:

  • Science and technology technicians.
  • Constructions workers.
  • Social care professionals.

What does that mean for EU migrant?

This updated list outlines a number of jobs in the UK where there are existing shortages Or, there soon will be shortages of enough skilled people to fulfil the roles. That means if you have any formal qualifications and/or experience in any of the roles listed in the report, you should be able to secure a visa to work in the UK, even if a hard Brexit goes ahead.

For those of you with the right experience who wish to come and live and work in the UK, you can get in touch with us at Livlo today. We can help make sure you have the right qualifications and support your search for work in those industries.

If you don’t have qualifications, but have experience and would like to gain the right accreditations, we can help you find the right courses to do just that! In fact, because the people who work at Livlo have moved to the UK from other EU countries, we know what you need to live and work here happily. More importantly, we know how to help you achieve all of that too!

Give us a call at Livlo or fill in our online enquiry form here. We’ll arrange a good time to speak with you to discuss your needs. We can then help you apply for the right job in the best places and also find a great place to live.

Moving to the UK can seem daunting, but with the right support it can be the best experience of your life so far!
